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Tel: 084 767 2913




Come and experience everything under one roof, as we offer a range of services to all our clients to ensure they receive the best personalized attention possible.


Our services range from Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Sport Injuries & Rehabilitation or informing individuals of what the best possible modality is to suite not only there lifestyle but also their own individual needs.


Whether it be from a Nutritional, Fitness, Holistic Healing or Medative point of view, we are here to find the root cause of any issue and work with the individual to address where possible.


We assist clients / patients by way of Massages, Posture Analyses and so much more. We focus on sport related and other injuries, such as; Spinal Cord related issues, Chronic Ailments (Headaches, Migraines etc.).


Our goal is to get to the root of the problem by using various techniques and treatments to find the solution to the individuals needs.


We work in conjunction with Health Practitioners, Chiropractors, Homeopaths, and Medical Centre's to heal clients using different modalities as described below.



We assist individuals who suffer with the following ailments:


* Chronic Headaches / Migraines / Tension Headaches

* Back Ache 

* IBS / IBD - irritable bowel syndrome / irritable bowel disease

* Inflammation 

* Insomnia

* Sport Injuries

* MVA's - Motor Vehicle Accidents

* Muscle Spasms

* Panic Attacks

* Posture Analysis

* Restless Leg Syndrome

* Rotator Cuff / Frozen Shoulder


Our Commitment & Exclusivity:


Our aim is to empower, heal, assist and guide individuals in the right direction from a Holistic and well-being perspective.


Our service level is always professional with service driven results. General well-being takes priority in life as this assists us in dealing and coping with the day to day stress levels life has to offer. All be it mind, body and spirit.


We provide an overall solution to all clients, young and old.


Client retention forms part and partial of our business etiquette and our service levels are formulated to cater for each individuals needs.


CAMS Institute Accreditation 

Our therapists are accredited members of the CAMS (Complementary and Alternative Medical Science) Institute which is the leading professional body in the world.


The CAMS Institute provides confident, professional treatments, registrations, recognition, support, advice, and continuous access to quality training and knowledge.


They also provide all registered practitioners with an International Professional Membership Certificate.


Anyone accredited with CAMS has to comply with the Code of Ethics which ensures professionalism at all times.



           *In other words you are in safe, capable hands*


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