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Gyan Mudra


Now is the time to focus on being mindful.


What does that mean and where do we start?


Being mindful means to live in the now, the present moment. To be mindful of other people  and their feelings. To be kind to yourself and to others.


Being mindful is about making time for yourself. To meditate and to stop procrastinating about what could happen, and to be present at all times. Stop  being so hard on yourself, learn to say no. Start putting yourself first for a change and start focusing on what really matters in your life.


By understand that everything is energy and working with Source, Spirit or your Guides you can vibrate higher and achieve a gratifying and rewarding balance in life.


Accepting what was, and allowing what is, is probably the best way to approach life in context. We as humans have to raise our vibrations and have to focus on improving the life we are in. Don't sweat the small stuff and focus on the bigger picture and change you perspective and attitude about life, then things will fall into place.


Make time for yourself. Allow yourself time to gather your thoughts and actions each and every single day.

Meditate, go for a walk, go jogging, cycle or play with the kids or your furry friends as that to helps to lift your vibrational spirits.


Go without social media for a month if and where possible. If you find that hard to do, then unfollow the negative content on these platforms and focus on the future and what is good in life.


Find a hobby, or dig into the garden and ground yourself as I do. Working with plants and the connection to Source or the earth is grounding and gratifying.  Change the way you think as thoughts become reality. Whenever you think a negative thought, change it to a positive one.

Do this early in the morning as this is when you brain starts to program itself for the day ahead.


De-clutter your space, all be it physically, mentally and emotionally. Don't stress about the future, live in the present moment and time as 90% of the things you stress about won't even happen.


Release yourself from people who have low vibrations or are negative all the time!

They are the ones who steal your power and who are toxic. Don't try and change people! Rather take that energy and draw it inwards and focus on yourself and what you need at this present time.


Journal your day, thoughts and belief systems and write it down. Don't type it out. When you put pen to paper you force yourself, Spirit and your mind to become detached from life. Even if its only for a few minutes of the day.


Most importantly make time for yourself and be kind to yourself. Most people I have worked with respond with "I don't have the time".

You spend 80% of your day on social media, but you "don't have time for yourself"?

Listen. Listen to the sounds of nature, the noise around you and isolate your thoughts so that you can appreciate the here and the now.


We become so entrapped about life that we loose touch with ourselves. Only to find that when we go through a break up that we lost ourselves as we were so busy pleasing the other half or everyone else that we lost touch of who and what we really are.


Make time during each day at a specific time all be it early morning or late at night, but make time for yourself and your thoughts.


The world is changing around us and we have to find a way to cope with what all we are going through in this space and time. We have to, else you will lose yourself in the midst of things.


Let go of the narrative and things that make you feel unworthy and detached or emotionally unstable. I know it's easier said than done in most cases, but I have...... You to can find yourself in ways that you have forgotten. 

Laugh more, play more, dance more, most importantly live more. And in this I don't mean live more by posting fake stuff on social media as you are then defeating the purpose of the entire exercise.  Live more, by being there for others when they need you, and listen to them.


Often we hear that someone committed suicide and we often hear people say: "He/She seemed okay" or better yet: "I never expected them to go this far". Yes, because we as humans are so wrapped up in our own lives that we "don't have time" for anything else, or anyone for that matter.


Check in with your family and friends and by this I don't mean send them a WhatsApp and asking them; "How are you"?

No, no go visit them if you really care. Check in and call them and chat to them without a hidden agenda or just to say well I have done my part.


Last but not least learn to forgive and accept people for who and what they are.

Forgive them for there actions as you don't know why they did what they did at that specific time. Besides if you knew them as well as you say you do, you would know that it is out of character. Check in and find out what is wrong and ask them; "how can I help"?

Sometimes they don't need help, they just need to know that someone is there for them and reaching out is more than enough.


Don't try and change people.

When people move into a new relationship they accept the other person for who they are (warts and all).

As time progresses they try and change them by saying: "I don't like it when you dress a certain way", or "I don't like the way you laugh" or whatever.... People then start finding fault with every single little detail as you are trying to change that person to become more like........ you.

But why? Why would you want another you in your life? If you want another you in your life then stay single as you will never find a duplicate of yourself unless you are fortunate enough to meet your Twin Flame, and the chances of that happening is very slim depending on your spiritual intellect and level. 


Twin Flames is an exact replica of you, as the word Twin means your identical twin. We all have one, but not many of us will ever meet them in this lifetime.


Don't change people. Except them for who and what they are, and the person you fell in love with.

Everyone is unique and has that certain thing that makes them true to them, all be it their laugh, the cologne or perfume they wear, the silly dance they do when they hear their favorite song play.


I can guarantee you that whenever you hear that song or smell that fragrance you will always think of them and smile.


That is why we don't change people.



That is what being mindful is all about.


All of the points mentioned above may seem like huge stumble blocks for most, but change is here and the sooner you start facing your demons the better off you will be. If you cannot change it, let it be.


By trying to control everything in life, you only exhaust and deplete your own energy. You deprive yourself from living a full life.


We know it is not always ease to let go of things and that is why we are here to assist and guide you through the process. Either by guided meditation, by coaching or by listening. Something a lot of us don't do anymore - listen.


Schedule an appointment with me if you need help or Spiritual Guidance through Reiki, Meditation, Crystal Healing or Life ? Relationship Coaching.



Energy Healing


Reiki is an energy healing technique that involves a Reiki master using gentle hand movements to guide the flow of healthy energy (what's known in Reiki as “life force energy”) through the body to reduce stress and promote healing.



Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation is practiced in numerous religious traditions.

Healing Stones


In one method, the practitioner places crystals on different parts of the body, often corresponding to chakras; or else the practitioner places crystals around the body in an attempt to construct an energy grid, which is purported to surround the client with healing energy.

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