When booking a session, it is always important to understand what it is you require from the session and what the end result should be.
Here are some factors to consider when scheduling an appointment:
* Am I stressed and tired, and do I need to unwind?
* Do I have muscle spasm/s that needs to be worked on?
* Do I suffer from injuries or other ailments?
Take all these into account when you want to schedule an appointment, as it makes life easier for both you and the Therapist as you both are on the same page and know what to expect.
Please do not book a Swedish Massage / Treatment if you have nots in your body and have muscle spasms, as you will definitely not benefit from this session. Rather opt for a Sports Massage or Trigger Point Therapy.
If you want to unwind and relax, then do not book a Sports Massage or Trigger Point Therapy session, as the last thing you will be doing is, unwind and relax.
Sport Injuries are rated separately as the time spent on an injury vs that of a relaxing Swedish Massage vary drastically, as does the outcome. The same applies to Minor Treatments.
Always ensure that you are true to your therapist when scheduling an appointment with them.
Our session times vary from 40 minutes on Sport Injuries, to 60-minute Back, Neck & Shoulders and 90 / 120 minutes on Sport or Swedish Massages.
Bookings can be done by downloading the Booksy app on the link provided below, as all the rates, times and detailed descriptions are mentioned within the app.
*The App is just as safe and convenient as the Sixty 60 Checkers App everyone uses.
The App is easy to use as it is categorized according to treatments and you can schedule your appointment in the palm of your hand, without waiting for someone to respond.
Chris Heunis
Clinical Therapist
Member of CAMS (Complimentary & Alternative Medical Science) Institute
Tel No: 084 767 2913
Email: healinghandsg@gmail.com
Bookings: http://prohealing.booksy.net
