Believe it or not but we have made it to August!!
Its been a bumpy ride but we are past the half way mark of 2021.
All services are professional and performed on a luxury massage table with salon products. We use between 8 -10 different types of salon approved products on each client during a session.
Services level is guaranteed as we are registered with the CAMS (Complementary & Alternative Medical Science) Institute, with 23 years experience in all facets of Massage & Holistic Healing Therapy.
Only licensed practitioners like myself will have this certificate displayed in their place of work. Some great news for the month of August -
* Birthday Specials will be introduced w.e.f 01 August 2021, which has its own category to invite you or your better half to come and spend that special day in a pampering environment, at a DISCOUNTED RATE.
*Cupping Treatments are so effective and help reduce stress, remove toxins in the body, assists in circulation and also helps with the treatment of Sciatica.
* Body Scrubs form the main focus of the month of August as we have to rid of dead skin cells, to improve skin texture and elasticity.
* Juniors & Minors, also have a category of their own as they to suffer from; growing pains, stress, down-time, headaches, and sport injuries. The best time to focus on one posture and muscles is when we grow and get between the ages of 13 - 17 years of age.
We are open 7 days a week for your convenience, and it is important to make time for yourself, as we get so tangled in the day to day stresses of life.
Kindly note that all COVID-19 protocols apply to each and every client, and session.
There is enough time between sessions to allow for:
*Change of towels, with fresh and clean ones,
*Air ventilation,
*Sanitization on all surfaces including the toilet, basin & hand towel,
*Bottled Water,
*Temperature Check before entering the Practice,
*Covid-19 Forms are submitted to each client / patient prior to their appointment
If and where possible, please try to schedule your appointments in advance, to avoid disappointment.
